I recently spent a bit of time to clean up all the cruft that my ~/.emacs file and my ~/elisp directory had accumulated. I have been using a multi-file setup to configure my Emacs sessions, since at least 2008. This turned out to be a royal mess after 5+ years of patching stuff without a very clear plan or structure. The total line-count of both my ~/.emacs and all the *.el files I had imported into my ~/elisp directory was almost 20,000 lines of code:

    $ wc -l BACKUP/.emacs \$( find BACKUP/elisp -name '\*.el')
       119  BACKUP/.emacs
        84  BACKUP/elisp/keramida-w3m.el
        90  BACKUP/elisp/keramida-keys.el
       156  BACKUP/elisp/keramida-irc.el
      5449  BACKUP/elisp/erlang.el
       892  BACKUP/elisp/fill-column-indicator.el
       344  BACKUP/elisp/keramida-erc.el
        87  BACKUP/elisp/keramida-chrome.el
        89  BACKUP/elisp/keramida-autoload.el
       141  BACKUP/elisp/keramida-ui.el
        42  BACKUP/elisp/keramida-slime.el
      1082  BACKUP/elisp/ace-jump-mode.el
         2  BACKUP/elisp/scala-mode2/scala-mode2-pkg.el
       907  BACKUP/elisp/scala-mode2/scala-mode2-indent.el
        26  BACKUP/elisp/scala-mode2/scala-mode2-lib.el
       502  BACKUP/elisp/scala-mode2/scala-mode2-fontlock.el
        37  BACKUP/elisp/scala-mode2/scala-mode2-map.el
       808  BACKUP/elisp/scala-mode2/scala-mode2-syntax.el
       111  BACKUP/elisp/scala-mode2/scala-mode2.el
       121  BACKUP/elisp/scala-mode2/scala-mode2-paragraph.el
      1103  BACKUP/elisp/php-mode.el
       142  BACKUP/elisp/themes/cobalt-theme.el
       665  BACKUP/elisp/themes/zenburn-theme.el
       142  BACKUP/elisp/themes/sublime-themes/cobalt-theme.el
        80  BACKUP/elisp/themes/tomorrow-night-blue-theme.el
        80  BACKUP/elisp/themes/tomorrow-night-eighties-theme.el
       115  BACKUP/elisp/themes/tomorrow-theme.el
        80  BACKUP/elisp/themes/tomorrow-night-bright-theme.el
       339  BACKUP/elisp/cmake-mode.el
        95  BACKUP/elisp/keramida-cc-extra.el
      1341  BACKUP/elisp/lua-mode.el
      2324  BACKUP/elisp/markdown-mode.el
       184  BACKUP/elisp/rcirc-notify.el
       167  BACKUP/elisp/keramida-defaults.el
       203  BACKUP/elisp/keramida-hooks.el
        43  BACKUP/elisp/keramida-lang.el
       435  BACKUP/elisp/edit-server.el
       709  BACKUP/elisp/slang-mode.el
        66  BACKUP/elisp/keramida-eshell.el
     19402  total

20,000 lines of code is far too much bloat. It’s obvious that this was getting out of hand, especially if you consider that I had full configuration files for at least two different IRC clients (rcirc and erc) in this ever growing blob of complexity.

What I did was make a backup copy of everything in ~/BACKUP and start over. This time I decided to go a different route from 2008 though. All my configuration lives in a single file, in ~/.emacs, and I threw away any library from my old ~/elisp tree which I haven’t actively used in the past few weeks. I imported the rest of them into the standard user-emacs-directory of modern Emacsen: at ~/.emacs.d/. I also started using eval-after-load pretty extensively, to speed up the startup of Emacs, and only configure extras after the related packages are loaded. This means I could trim down the list of preloaded packages even more.

The result, as I tweeted yesterday was an impressive speedup of the entire startup process of Emacs. Now it can start, load everything and print a message in approximately 0.028 seconds, which is more than 53 times faster than the \~1.5 seconds it required before the cleanup!

I suspected that the main contributor to this speedup was the increased use of eval-after-load forms, but what percentage of the entire file used them?

So I wrote a tiny bit of Emacs Lisp to count how many times each top-level forms appears in my new ~/.emacs file:

    (defun file-forms-list (file-name)
      (let ((file-forms nil))
        ;; Keep reading Lisp expressions, until we hit EOF, and just add one
        ;; entry for each toplevel form to `file-forms'.
        (condition-case err
              (insert-file file-name)
              (goto-char (point-min))
              (while (< (point) (point-max))
                (let* ((expr (read (current-buffer)))
                        (form (first expr)))
                       (setq file-forms (cons form file-forms)))))
          (end-of-file nil))
        (reverse file-forms)))

    (defun file-forms-alist (file-name)
      (let ((forms-table (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
        ;; Build a hash that maps form-name => count for all the
        ;; top-level forms of the `file-name' file.
        (dolist (form (file-forms-list file-name))
          (let ((form-name (format "%s" form)))
            (puthash form-name (1+ (gethash form-name forms-table 0))

        ;; Convert the hash table to an alist of the form:
        ;; ((form-name . count) (form-name-2 . count-2) ...)
        (let ((forms-alist nil))
          (maphash (lambda (form-name form-count)
                     (setq forms-alist (cons (cons form-name form-count)

      (insert "\n")
      (insert (format "%7s %s\n" "COUNT" "FORM-NAME"))
      (let ((total-forms 0))
        (dolist (fc (sort (file-forms-alist "~/.emacs")
                          (lambda (left right)
                            (> (cdr left) (cdr right)))))
          (insert (format "%7d %s\n" (cdr fc) (car fc)))
          (setq total-forms (+ total-forms (cdr fc))))
        (insert (format "%7d %s\n" total-forms "TOTAL"))))

Evaluating this in a scratch buffer shows output like this:

         32 setq-default
         24 eval-after-load
         14 set-face-attribute
         14 global-set-key
          5 autoload
          4 require
          4 setq
          4 put
          3 defun
          2 when
          1 add-hook
          1 let
          1 set-display-table-slot
          1 fset
          1 tool-bar-mode
          1 scroll-bar-mode
          1 menu-bar-mode
          1 ido-mode
          1 global-hl-line-mode
          1 show-paren-mode
          1 iswitchb-mode
          1 global-font-lock-mode
          1 cua-mode
          1 column-number-mode
          1 add-to-list
          1 prefer-coding-system
        122 TOTAL

This showed that I’m still using a lot of setq-default forms: 26.23% of the top-level forms are of this type. Some of these may still be candidates for lazy initialization, since I can see that many of them are indeed mode-specific, like these two:

    (setq-default diff-switches "-u")
    (setq-default ps-font-size '(8 . 10))

But eval-after-load is a close second, with 19.67% of all the top-level forms. That seems to agree with the original idea of speeding up the startup of everything by delaying package-loading and configuration until it’s actually needed.

10 of the remaining forms are one-off mode setting calls, like (tool-bar-mode -1), so 8.2% of the total calls is probably going to stay this way for a long time. That’s probably ok though, since the list includes several features I find really useful, very very often.

A Tiny Lisp Script

25 Feb 2009, 03:18 by Giorgos Keramidas

A tiny Lisp script, noticed first in a recent post in comp.lang.lisp and then ported to SBCL:

    % cat ~/bin/iota
    #!/usr/local/bin/sbcl --script
    (defun iota (count &optional (start 0) (step 1))
      "Build a list of `count' numbers, starting from `start' andincrementing by `step' between
      successive elements ...
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