


Thanos K - aka DJ Art

a humble webspace about linux and technology


Gawk/bash Script for adding the iso-8859-7 tag in linuxdoc html-generated files

#!/bin/bash if [ $# -le 1 -o $# -ge 3 ] then echo "Iso2Html version 0.21" echo "USAGE: iso2html input_file(w/o extension!!) n" echo "" echo " Replace n with the number of the last page that sgml2html " echo "created. For example, if you have run 'sgml2html index.sgml' " echo "and you got index.html, index-1.html, index-2.html and " echo "index-3.html, then replace n with 3." echo "" echo "NOTICE: As input_file use *ONLY* the name of your document " echo "WITHOUT its extension (don't use filename.html). i.e. In the " echo "above example, the correct syntax is 'iso2html index 3'." echo "" echo "For comments, reports, bugs, etc. please contact with" echo "DJ Art (aka Kyritsis Athanasios) at" echo "" else if [ ! -d iso2htmldir ] then mkdir iso2htmldir echo "o Creating iso2html directory" fi gawk '{if (NR <=3 ) print $0 }' $1.html > iso2htmldir/$1.html echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;charset=iso-8859-7">' >> iso2htmldir/$1.html gawk '{if (NR >=4) print $0 }' $1.html >> iso2htmldir/$1.html i=0 while [ $i -lt $2 ] do i=`expr $i + 1` gawk '{if (NR <=3 ) print $0 }' $1-$i.html > iso2htmldir/$1-$i.html echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;charset=iso-8859-7">' >> iso2htmldir/$1-$i.html gawk '{if (NR >=4) print $0 }' $1-$i.html >> iso2htmldir/$1-$i.html done mv -f iso2htmldir/* . echo "o Moving files back to original directory" rm -rf iso2htmldir echo "o Removing iso2html directory" fi