Adracs USB Loader

Using Adracs Remote Controlling S/W on a laptop

Adracs USB Loader Screenshots

Adracs USB Loader has not detected any COM ports (serial to USB converter not connected yet).
Adracs Remote Controlling S/W execution not possible.

Adracs Remote Controlling S/W executable not found.
(Not installed or installed under custom location)

Adracs USB Loader has detected COM5 (serial to USB converter connected and the port is succesfully installed and functional
Adracs Remote Controlling S/W execution is now possible.

Adracs USB Loader auto-execution enabled.
Adracs Remote Controlling S/W execution will occur in 1 second.

Asracs USB Loader detecting multiple Serial Ports.
Auto-execution of Adracs Remote Controlling S/W is disabled, since one of the available ports has to be seleted before clicking "Execute (manual execution).