Ismini Encoding

Ismini is a method of representing, characters found in ancient Greek texts using ASCII characters.

It is based on the Ismini font, copyrighted by N. Goulandris, 1986-1993 and published by Altsys Metamorphosis: 20/03/1994, as a freeware package.

Download Ismini font ^

You will have to download the Ismini font in case

Ismini font

AncientGreek Ismini conversion Macros ^

I suggest saving your work before running either of these macros on a document (no text selection), so that reverting (Menu File / Reload) to it is possible, as Undoing may not be of much help, since a letter by letter substitution will take place resulting in way too many undo steps.

If any of these macros are executed without selecting any text, a warning message similar to the one shown in the following picture will appear.

Warning message on Windows 8.1

• IsminiToUnicode Macro

This macro converts text written in Ismini to Unicode (normal text that can be edited in LibreOffice / OpenOffice).

• UnicodeToIsmini Macro

This macro converts text written in Unicode (normal text edited in LibreOffice / OpenOffice) to Ismini.

Using fullwidth characters ^

If the document (or selection) contains ASCII characters (English text), they will automatically be converted to the "fullwidth / halfwidth" characters, when text conversion from Unicode to Ismini is performed.

Ismini implementation ^

AncientGreek fully implements the encoding as shown in the following table.

Greek Letter ASCII Character Greek Letter ASCII Character
Alpha A Nu N
Beta B Xi J
Gamma G Omicron O
Delta D Pi P
Epsilon E Rho R
Zeta Z Sigma S
Eta H Tau T
Theta U Upsilon Y
Iota I Phi F
Kappa K Chi X
Lambda L Psi C
Mu M Omega V
Smooth breathing (᾿) | Period (.) .
Rough breathing () \ Comma (,) ,
Acute () ´ Grave () `
Ano teleia (·) ? Greek Middle Dot (·)
Circumflex () ^ Greek Question Mark (;) ;
Iota subscript () $ Hyphen (-) _
Smooth breathing
  with Acute ()
= Rough breathing
  with Acute ()
Smooth breathing
  with Grave ()    
ù Rough breathing
  with Grave ()    
Smooth breathing
  with Circumflex ()    
Rough breathing
  with Circumflex ()    
Stand-alone characters
~ ÷
¬ µ
¯ ¡
¿ ·
« »
[ ]
{ }
© ®
¤ ¢
 (U+F000) *
 (U+F002) * ƒ
ʺ ˆ
ˇ ˘
˙ ˚
˛ ˜
á Á
À â
ä Ä
ã Ã
ª æ
Æ ά å
ΐ Ç É
È ê
Ê ë
Ë Ϊ è
Ϋ é I
í Í
ì Ì
î Î
ï Ï
ñ Ñ
ó Ó
ò Ò
ô Ô
ö Ö
õ Õ
Ø œ
Œ ί º
ό ø Q
ς q ß
ú Ú
Ù û
Û ü
w W
ÿ Ÿ
έ ή ¸
ϊ π
Σ ύ ¥
ϋ ΰ  (U+F001) *
Ω ώ
Other characters
Vertical Line (|) Dagger () £
Left Square Bracket ([) Right Square Bracket (])
Left Curly Bracket ({)
ç Right Curly Bracket (}) à

* PUA code point

Capital letters with diacritics are inserted using stand-alone diacritics followed by a capital letter. For example capital alpha with grave () is inserted as `A, capital rho with rough breathing () is inserted as \R, etc.



If a table is truncated, then you can see all its content by scrolling it to the right and back.